Sunday 15 March 2009

Method Fishing

Key tips from Andy Findlay fishing Lake 2 at Makins.

Double up the line behind your method feeder using a figure of eight knot. Tie the clip swivel onto the doubled line using a 4 turn blood knot. Only 4 turns needed due to double thickness of line.
Use a large pellet with small 2m feed pellets. Pellets need a minute per mill to soak then drained and left to soften up.
Tie a slip knot on line after clipping up - use a bomb at first to find distance.
Replace the elastic which comes with feeders with some hollow elastic.
Place a shot 8/9 inches behind the feeder to sink the line.
Use 6lb braid as the hook length.
Use Koram quick stops with a size 16 hook with a eye using knotless knot.
Don't tighten up your line too much.
Drop the rod before the feeder hits the water so you are not pulling on the line too much.

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